Knots for Fly Fishing
Only a few key knots are required for fly fishing
There are many knots that you could learn as a fly fishing junkie; however, most of the time only a few knots are really necessary. The following videos will help you learn how to tie some of the most useful knots.
Perfection Loop
Typically used at the butt end of a leader prior to making a loop-to-loop connection.
Handshake Loop Knot
Typically used to connect a leader to a fly line — loop to loop.
Blood Knot
Typically used to tie two heavier sections of mono together in a leader. It is also called a barrel knot.
Non-Slip Loop Knot
A great knot to attach a fly that you want to have more movement as it "swims". This is a very strong knot.
Double & Triple Surgeon's Knot
Typically, a double surgeon is used to tie on a replacement tippet section to your leader.
Improved Clinch Knot
An improved clinch knot is widely used to tie on a fly; or, to tie on a second section of tippet material for a two fly set up. This knot has many uses and is stronger than a standard Clinch Knot.
Palomar Knot
Slim Beauty
This knot is used to tie together two widely different sizes of mono together in a leader.
Boating Knots
Here are a few boating knots to be familiar with if you use a boat or any other type of water craft for fly fishing.